Why 2023 Will Be A Challenge for Event Ticket Sales

Why 2023 Will Be A Challenge for Event Ticket Sales
14 Feb 2023 11:10

Why 2023 Will Be A Challenge for Event Ticket Sales

Why 2023 Will Be A Challenge for Event Ticket Sales

As the live events industry starts to thrive again in 2022, 2023 may present some significant hurdles for event creators and ticket sellers. Here's why:


The Economy Takes a Toll

Inflation and low unemployment rates are warning signs that a recession could be on the horizon. When this happens, consumers tend to cut back on nonessential spending, including live events.


High Ticket Prices

Artists who lost income during the pandemic may try to make up for it by raising their ticket prices. This has resulted in sky-high prices for larger shows and concerts, making it harder for consumers to justify the cost.


Too Many Shows, Too Little Time

With the number of shows and tours increasing, concert calendars are becoming cluttered, and consumers may have to choose between their favourite artists on the same night.


The COVID-19 Pandemic Persists

The virus is unlikely to go away and its impact on live events will continue to be felt. Concerts may be cancelled if someone in the crew or an artist tests positive, causing some consumers to hesitate in buying tickets.


How to Overcome These Challenges


Connect with Your Audience

Use ticketing platforms like Lybertine to build a direct connection with your audience and gauge demands


Use Insights to Target Your Marketing Efforts

Utilise Lybertine's insights to gain a better understanding of ticket buyers' behaviours and target your marketing efforts to reach the right people.


Implement Proactive Strategies

Lybertine can help you mitigate risk and continue selling tickets by providing you with proactive steps and strategies. Book a demo to see the platform in action and learn how it can benefit your events.


In conclusion, 2023 may be a challenging year for ticket sales, but with the right tools and strategies, event creators can overcome these hurdles and continue to thrive. Why 2023 Will Be A Challenge for Event Ticket Sales